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Centro de Visitação das Paineiras (Paineiras Visit Center)

Nando Pimentel

Cidade do Samba / My Rio Experience

Placed at old Paineiras Hotel was opened the Paineiras Visit Center. The Paineiras Hotel became famous for host celebrities for more than 30 years. The Project is signed by Estudio América and there are a interetive exposition about Tijuca National Park, Atlantic forest biodiversity and others national parks.

The visitors find a food court with panoramic view, souvenir store and tiket office.

The Expeosition Floresta Protetora ‘Protective forest’ has 1200m² to sensibilyse the visitors about de nature. Over 7 rooms the visitors find a multimedia, interactive and playful for children.

At food court, there are Bar das paineiras, Healthy Fast food Naturê and a restaurant mirante paineiras with fix buffet service.

Estrada das Paineiras/ Santa Teresa

Open hours: 9am/8pm Mon-Sun Price: free

+55 21 22257035

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