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Nando Pimentel
21 de fev. de 20173 min de leitura
Top Ten Adventure Tours
Helocopter Tour What could be better than a sightseeing tour of Rio de Janeiro from the air? From the vantage point of a helicopter,...
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Nando Pimentel
6 de fev. de 20171 min de leitura
Porto Maravilha (Marvelous Port)
The most noticed realization for Olympic Games was the brand new seaport district, called “Porto Maravilha”. Inspired in cities like Barcelo
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Nando Pimentel
4 de fev. de 20171 min de leitura
Aqua Rio (Rio Sea Aquarium)
Aqua Rio -Larges tanks and precincts gets to vistors a amazing experience. The mainly attraction is The Ocean Enclousere Diving, where visit
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Nando Pimentel
3 de fev. de 20171 min de leitura
Centro de Visitação das Paineiras (Paineiras Visit Center)
Placed at old Paineiras Hotel was opened the Paineiras Visit Center. The Paineiras Hotel became famous for host celebrities for more than...
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Nando Pimentel
3 de fev. de 20171 min de leitura
Museu do Amanhã (Tomorrow Museum)
Designed by Santiago Calatrava, acclaimed Spanish architect, the Museum of Tomorrow is the scene of a difficult engineering challenge. Calat
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Nando Pimentel
2 de fev. de 20171 min de leitura
Cidade das Artes (City of Arts)
Besides to Terminal Rodoviário da Alvorada, there is one of the most recent and relevant cultural venues of the city. The contemporary...
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Nando Pimentel
2 de fev. de 20171 min de leitura
MIS- Museu da Imagem e do Som (Image and Sound Museum)
Opened September 1965 the Museum of Image and Sound as part of celebrations of fourth centenary of the city of Rio. This pioneering genre...
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Nando Pimentel
1 de fev. de 20171 min de leitura
Cidade do Samba (City of Samba)
Built to be the house of samba. The Cidade do Samba Joãozinho Trinta houses sheds samba schools where allegories and floats are made....
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Nando Pimentel
31 de jan. de 20171 min de leitura
Distrito de Arte Fábrica Bhering (Bhering Factory art district)
The building of 16000 m², offers expositions and at their rooftop there is a space to appreciate the Rio’s and favela’s view, drinking a bee
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Nando Pimentel
31 de jan. de 20171 min de leitura
MAR Museu de Arte do Rio (Rio’s Art Museum)
Rio’s Art Museum , aka MAR, is a landmark of the revitalization of city’s Port Zone, and it’s one of the mos visited museums in Rio. Its...
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Nando Pimentel
31 de jan. de 20171 min de leitura
Praça Mauá (Maua Square)
The Mauá Square today has an impressive architectural ensemble consists of the Museum of Tomorrow, the Monastery of St. Benedict, the first
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Nando Pimentel
31 de jan. de 20171 min de leitura
Largo de São Francisco da Prainha/Pedra do Sal
The Pedra do Sal was so named because it’s where the ships bringing salt form Portugal used to dock. It became a meeting point for the...
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Nando Pimentel
31 de jan. de 20171 min de leitura
Jardim suspenso do Valongo (Hanging Garden of Valongo)
The Hanging Garden of Valongo is a landscaped building located on the western slope of the Morro da Conceição( Conceição Hill), in the...
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Nando Pimentel
31 de jan. de 20171 min de leitura
Arte de Rua (Street Art)
Rio de Janeiro has been became a huge outdoor art gallery around roads overpasses, buildings walls or tunnels, each space got a...
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Nando Pimentel
31 de jan. de 20171 min de leitura
VLT Veículo Leve sobre Trilho (Tramway)
The VLT has been connecting the renewed Rodoviária Novo Rio (Interstate Bus Terminal), the Terminal de Cruzeiros Pier Mauá (Seaport...
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Nando Pimentel
31 de jan. de 20171 min de leitura
Orla Conde (Conde Shore)
Open for pedestrians and cyclist, this section of Orla Conde has a wooden deck and 22 gardens with species like the Ipê-Amarelo, Pau Brasil,
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Nando Pimentel
25 de fev. de 20162 min de leitura
Rio de Janeiro is the most Bike Friendly city in Latin America
( Anyone who has visited or lived in Rio already know that the city has a wide range of bicycle paths and bicycle rental...
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Nando Pimentel
25 de fev. de 20163 min de leitura
Ultimate Guide to use the Bike Rio System
The Bike Rio has since its launch in 2011, taking account of the Rio streets and is now established as one of the main means of transport...
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Nando Pimentel
1 de dez. de 20151 min de leitura
What’s On in Rio
The renewed areas in the city bring to tourists and citizens new things to do for all kind of interests: New sport’s complex, new museums,
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