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Largo de São Francisco da Prainha/Pedra do Sal

Nando Pimentel

Largo São Francisco da Prainha/ My Rio Experience

The Pedra do Sal was so named because it’s where the ships bringing salt form Portugal used to dock. It became a meeting point for the community – The Old ladies from Bahia, the the slaves, and the porters who worked in the docks. But aside of this, the Pedra do Sal was the place where the samba were plucked. Tia Ciata (‘Aunties Ciata’), an influential character of the period, used to organize meetings between musicians and people involved in the African religion- Occasions on which the music would set the tone. Influencial musicians such as Donga and Pixinguinha were amongst the regulars at these sambas de roda (‘samba circles’), and it’s said that ‘Pelo Telefone’the first samba ever recorded to disc, was written there.

1 Argemiro Bulcão St, Saúde/Porto Maravilha District

Open hours: daily price: Free

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