The most noticed realization for Olympic Games was the brand new seaport district, called “Porto Maravilha”. Inspired in cities like Barcelona and Buenos Aires.
The Project began in 2013, with the demolition of Perimetral Expressway that had connected the South Zone to North Zone, International Airport, and Niterói city.
The place of the biggest symbol of a city built for cars, became a huge Boulevard, called Orla Conde with 3,5km without cars, with a light rail system called VLT (Veiculo Leve sobre Trihos).
All traffic was diverted to a mordern system of an underground expressway. The Seaport Boulevard that has the touristic ship terminals was connected with the Praça Mauá and Orla da Guanabara Boulevard.
In addition to the transports gains, the citizens and tourist won a breathtaking view of Guanabara Bay, Downtown Rio, Mosteiro de São Bento(São Bento Monastery), Museu do Amanhã(Museum of Tomorrow) and Museu MAR (Art Museum of Rio)
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