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Nando Pimentel
28 de nov. de 20163 min de leitura
My favorite neighborhood in Rio: Barra da Tijuca, the modern and Olympic neighborhood in Rio
Barra da Tijuca is a large neighborhood in Rio's West Zone. With urban and native beachs, high structured for sports, this is the...
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Nando Pimentel
28 de nov. de 20163 min de leitura
The True about Copacabana
The most famous beach and neighborhood in Rio, Copacabana is located in the heart of south zone district and reserves for your visitors a...
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Rafael Monteagudo
25 de fev. de 20164 min de leitura
Discover where the Rio is more Parisian: Santa Teresa, the Rio's Montmartre.
(Internet) Rio is a unique city and all its neighborhoods, none is as Santa Teresa. The slopes of "Santa", affectionate nickname given by...
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Rafael Monteagudo
26 de jan. de 20163 min de leitura
Saiba onde o Rio é mais parisiense: Santa Teresa, a Montmartre Carioca
(imagem:Internet) O Rio é uma cidade única e de todos os seus bairros, nenhum é como Santa Teresa. As ladeiras de Santa, apelido...
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